01 Jan Renewed Resolutions

There is nothing more inspiring than a new year, a fresh start and the wonder of what’s to come in the months ahead. Make your 2015 resolutions today. Keep them simple and attainable and revisit them every few months to keep yourself on track. A year ago today, I made my resolutions and I am happy to report that I stayed on track for most of the year. This year I’d like to renew these resolutions, to improve upon them. Here are my renewed resolutions of 2015…
I will continue to make an effort to consume less in 2015, and focus on building my forever wardrobe (with my 5 Piece French Wardrobe challenge restarting today).

To keep my creative wits about me, and to fill my wardrobe with my own designs, I will continue Project de. – designing and making one garment a month for the entire year.
As for this site, I plan to bring you more organic and non-toxic beauty supply reports // best of basics // DIY’s and there are plans for a few new series, so stay tuned! What are your resolutions this year?
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