Totokaelo New York

Cultivating mindful living.

Totokaelo New York


As I prepare to head back to New York after my 2+ weeks in Asia, I couldn’t be more excited to hear that my favorite Seattle based store, Totokaelo, is opening a retail store in New York. The CEO and founder of Totokaelo, Jill Wenger, moved to New York in 2014. Subsequently, she is also moving the Totokaelo headquarters here. If you are wondering, yes, they are hiring (as seen on Totokaelo’s instagram today). Interested? This letter from Jill will not only make you want to work for her, but it inspires change in the way the retail world works.

I am looking forward to the New York space, set to open this Fall. With their offices located down on Centre street, I can only imagine the beautiful space they are preparing (hopefully) near by. I took this photo last summer at their Seattle store. The interior and art objects are an extension of the men’s and women’s clothes they carry, inspired, significant and undoubtedly stylish. Totokaelo New York is sure to do well, as most of their online sales come from this city.

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