01 May Editorial Eclipse: Fashion Revolution

SUITED Magazine shows how fashionable sustainability actually is in this month’s editorial entitled Fashioning a Movement. Stylist Renata Gar piles on layers of clothing from sustainable designers including Kowtow, Lauren Manoogian, Paris Georgia Basics and shoes by Suzanne Rae. Does the nomadic feeling of the imagery hint at a lifestyle we may have to adopt because of environmental impacts of the fashion industry? In a world where fast fashion prevails and stores introducing new styles weekly, sustainable fashion can often sound like a dirty word.
What most consumers don’t realize is the power they hold with their dollar. You vote for change through every dollar you put into the fashion industry. If you continue to spend your money at fast fashion retailers, they will continue to over produce more clothing that end up in landfills. Choosing to invest in clothing made by workers who make a living wage, shows your support for a growing, sustainable fashion industry. SUITED sat down with Shivam Punjya, US ambassador of Fashion Revolution (a global movement and non-profit organization who believes in a fashion industry that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure) to discuss the importance of sustainability in fashion. Read the full article here.

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