Must Read: Haven's Kitchen Cooking School

Cultivating mindful living.

Must Read: Haven’s Kitchen Cooking School


Most people aren’t formally taught how to cook, we pick up things from our friends and family and often refer to Google for quick answers. When perfecting recipes, there is a lot of trial and error, which takes time. Last month, I attended the launch party for Haven’s Kitchen Cooking School cookbook and since then, it has transformed my kitchen. From the founder of Haven’s Kitchen Cooking School, Alison Cayne brings us a book that gives us the tools to “build a lifetime of confidence in the kitchen.” It is unlike any other cookbook in my small, edited collection, a true how-to. Not only does this book tell you how to stock your pantry and refrigerator but it also lists the tools and equipment needed to run a successful kitchen. For this alone, it makes a great house-warming or college graduation gift. There are ‘lesson recipes’ which help you perfect the art of cooking rice, how to layer flavors and how to compose a successful dish.

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